
March 19, 2021

Each day during Lent, I am highlighting a Lenten Word (or phrase) of the Day from the readings of the day. I encourage you to reflect on this word or phrase and incorporate it in your prayers today.

“For this reason, it depends on faith, so that it may be a gift, and the promise may be guaranteed to all his descendants…” (Romans 4:16)

FAITH: I offer a simple word upon which to reflect today – faith. The word is particularly fitting on this Solemnity of St. Joseph. Joseph was a man that exhibited great faith when confronted with an incredibly challenging situation. It was faith that allowed him to follow the directive put before him by the angel in his dream.

To have faith is to have complete trust. Faith is not an absence of doubt. It’s possible for us to have a strong faith while having doubts as well. The key is how we respond to that doubt. Do we allow it to freeze us in our tracks and withdraw our trust in God? Or do we power through the doubt, trusting that God will provide clarity in his own time?

I can’t imagine that Joseph did not have doubts. However, that did not make him weak. The fact that Joseph had doubts and followed God’s will for his life despite those doubts defines faith.

Take a moment during your daily prayer to reflect on this question: What drives your actions – faith or doubt?

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